The company Olivine Rus is the official representative of Ural Olivine, LLC and Dunites of the Northern Ural, LLC

The main objective of the company Olivine Rus is the sale of olivine sand in such areas as steel industry, metallurgy, refractory equipment production, as well as the ship construction.

The Yovskoye plateau is the only dunite field (olivine) in Russia and the second in the world after Norway is located not far from the city Karpinsk

The production and use of the Ural olivine will let to reduce the problem of silicosis in Russia dramatically, to improve the quality of cast products, and to ensure metal saving.

Today, the complex of the company Dunites of the Northern Ural, LLC which produces olivine sand, consist of a dunite quarry and a crushing and screening plant for their processing. The capacity of the first stage of the factrory allows to produce up to 50 thousand tons of olivine sand every month, which has no analogues in Russia in its quality, useful properties and reasonable price.

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General information:

1. Yovskoye field is located in the Northern part of Sverdlovsk region not far from the city Karpinsk.

2. The largest settlement is the village of Kytlym, it is no more than 16 km South-West of the field and is connected with the road, and it is 60 km far from the city of Karpinsk.

3. The distance to the nearest railway station in Karpinsk is 60 km



The information about the Technical specifications (TU 08.12.11-001-03270585-2017) of olivine sand from the Yovskoye field is available on request.

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