On the eve of a conversation with the General Director of Dunites of the Northern Ural, LLC
Karpinsk is a city in the North of Sverdlovsk region, one of the inflorescences of the legendary Northern Bush. […]
Olivine Rus Industrial Minerals — producing of olivine sand
Olivine Rus Industrial Minerals
Karpinsk is a city in the North of Sverdlovsk region, one of the inflorescences of the legendary Northern Bush. […]
Olivine, having low thermal conductivity, but high heat capacity when used in residential and industrial construction in the form of […]
Olivine, in contrast to quartz, doesn’t have any silicon oxide therefore, dunite, 95% consisting of olivine, is an ecologically clean, […]
Olivine is used in the manufacture of bricks for blast furnace casting process. Usually their production is carried out in […]
The use of olivine sand absolutely eliminates the risk of professional disease of molders which is called silicosis! The use […]
Dunites of the Northern Urals, LLC opened a factory for the production of olivine sand for foundry industry in the […]